Friday 5 August 2022

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Creative Writing Activity - Feathers Forever

The theme learnt in this Welcome To The Family story is feathers. Feathers are what keep birds alive, and what we also used for crafts, nature walks and most importantly tickling. Write a poem about a young girl who tickles the other members of her family, using made up words and funny ways of saying the word 'tickle' without actually saying it.

Friday 22 July 2022

Creative Writing Activity - Skulley Stomach

Dr Skulley has anorexia this whole time, which means he refuses food and cannot eat. Write an acrostic poem explaining what anorexia means to you.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Creative Writing Activity - Gym Sweat

What makes you less stressed? It could be a trip to the beach like Sophie had with her big sister Zura, or maybe it's a special cuddly toy that you still want to hug. Write a poem about one thing that takes stress away from you.

Monday 18 July 2022

Creative Scriptwriting Activity - Sofa So Soft

Write down a script about you going into the soft world Luke, Resus, Cleo, Niles, Six and I just explored, and meeting all the little rabbits and teddy bears that make shapes in the clouds and harvest blossoms.

For script inspiration, use this BBC Teach method.

Creative Writing Activity - Sofa So Soft

Write down your ideal soft world. Who lives in this soft world? Who comes to visit? Is this world even safe enough, do you think?

Sunday 17 July 2022

Creative Writing Activity - Nocturnal Dreams

In Nocturnal Dreams, Luke, Resus, Cleo and I wake up to find ourselves in a forest - what's more, we're nocturnal ourselves! What might happen if you were nocturnal? Imagine a night in the life of your new nocturnal self and write a story about your nightly life.

Creative Writing Activity - The Hallowistmas Drill - Part 1

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!! How would YOU get revenge on CBBC for taking away your favourite programme?!