Monday 29 November 2021

Handstand/Tickle Crabs/Favourite Thing Writing Prompt Worksheet

I know, the last one was supposed to be Featherwand but I accidentally changed it to Favourite Thing instead! Never mind, this printable worksheet's still worth living for.

Creative Writing Activity - Saturday Mash Up Letter Dance

Watch last week's Mash Up on iPlayer, then the video above. Write down a version of Disney's Magic English's 'Letter Dance' focusing on the A-Z of Mash Up promo about letters and letter sounds, and not only can you use the familiar words used in the promo, but you can also add any type of word you want - food, colours, numbers, body parts, vehicles, fantastical figures, everyday objects, CBBC characters, etc.. For example:
"The letter M says M - M-M-M-Messy!
The letter M says M - M-M-M-Milk!
The letter M says M - M-M-M-Mildred!
M says M! Messy, milk, Mildred!"

Creative Writing Activity - Arthur - The Last Of Mary Moo Cow

Inspired by the Arthur episode 'The Last Of Mary Moo Cow' write a fantastical backstory explaining to D.W. what Mary Moo Cow does behind the scenes when she's not filming new episodes, such as what she has for breakfast and lunch or how she helps children when they're in need.

Sunday 28 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Noddy To The Rescue

In Noddy To The Rescue, as Big Ears and Noddy are looking for Master Tubby Bear, we see a little cottage in the distance. Who do you think lives there, and do you think they've seen Noddy and Big Ears outside? Watch the video above, then write down your explanation.

Saturday 27 November 2021

ScreamBlue Challenge - Bedroom/Obstacle Course/Promises/Omelette/Born Yesterday

Old episodes of Scream Street are airing in Australia! To celebrate, I've thought up five writing prompts based on I.B.F.Fs for you to try, based on the five new Bluey episodes that aired on ABC Kids this week.
Write about you, Luke, Resus and Cleo helping Bluey turn her old nursery into her new room and using the scents of lemon and strawberries to help get her and her sister Bingo closer to one another.
Obstacle Course:
Write a story where you, Bluey and a few selected friends from Scream Street and Bluey of your choice compete in a tough army-style obstacle course for a chance at playing at the big playground.
Write about you, Honey, Chloe and Dixon meeting a new girl or boy with magical powers in the park.
Write a factual story about you, Luke, Resus, Cleo, Bluey and Bingo as farmers who get help from neighbouring farmers Uncle Rad and Frisky to find out where our breakfast things come from. Click here for research and inspiration.
Born Yesterday:
Write a sort of sequel to Baby Race, where you as a baby spend time with your big siblings Luke, Resus and Cleo on days where you don't have to be taken to the mother-and-baby-group featured in the episode.

If you live in Australia, watch Bluey on ABC iView for inspiration first:

Friday 26 November 2021

Christmas Swim/Road Trip Writing Prompt Worksheet

CHWISTMAS SWIIIIIIIIIM!!! It's a double bill - two worksheets in one. Now you get to write your own version of Bluey's family get together in Christmas Swim, and Bluey's road trip in...well, Road Trip. Ha! Just don't get away with not going to jail like Chilli when she took those glasses from the petrol station.

Creative Writing Activity - Trumpton - Cuthbert's Morning Off

Watch the video above, then rewrite the Duck Song in the voice of Cuthbert, as he's actually singing it while feeding and looking at the ducks in the pond.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Quints

Inspired by the Disney Channel original movie Quints, write down the events of the movie from the perspective of one of Jamie's newborn siblings.

Monday 22 November 2021

Double Babysitter Writing Prompt Worksheet

You're at home with your siblings Luke, Resus and Cleo, and your aunt Dr. F is your babysitter. She's brought round your cousin Six, so she can play with you. Next door, Bluey and Bingo are being babysat by Uncle Rad and Frisky. Now, meet the first of my proper printable worksheets!

Creative Writing Activity - Sargent Stripes: Stripes Gets A Fright

Watch the video above, then write a persuasive note to Stripes and Fluffy Mouse showing proof that the haunted house isn't so scary to you or to them at all.

Saturday 20 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Tigger & Pooh & A Musical Too

Inspired by the One Big Happy Family song in Tigger & Pooh & A Musical Too, write your own version of the song with you in Darby's place, explaining that you're not only thankful for all your friends in the Hundred Acre Wood, but also your family, friends, pets, home and whatever you love and have that you are thankful for.

Thursday 18 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - My Little Pony: Runaway Rainbow

Inspired by My Little Pony: Runaway Rainbow, imagine you're a unicorn who lives in Unicornia, and cannot wait for Rarity's coronation. One day, you find a magical box with a heart-shaped jewel that leads you to Ponyville. You feel a little shy, but how do you open up and make friends? Who's the first pony you meet?

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Wimpole Village: Funfair

Watch the video above (feel free to watch with eyes open or closed if you prefer), then rewrite the episode as a story that includes Danger Mouse favourite Count Duckula during the haunted house scene. What kind of conversation does he partake in with the general? Does he perform tricks for him?

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - A Cheetah Who Wants To Juggle At The Circus

Write a story about a cheetah who leaves Africa to follow his dream of juggling colourful balls at the circus.

Sunday 14 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Teacher's Pet: The Movie

Inspired by Teacher's Pet: The Movie, imagine that you're the son or daughter of one of the teachers going to the NEATO teacher awards. You decide to follow Spot and Leonard as they go to Dr Ivan Krank to seek his advice on how Spot can become a real boy. Describe your adventure.

Saturday 13 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Captain Pugwash: Fishmeal

Watch the video above, then write down your own version of the episode from the perspective of  the rest of the crew and Tom the cabin boy as they try a daring rescue attempt for their captain.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Lizzie's Library: The Show Must Go On

Watch the video above, then write down your own get well letter to whoever's unable to do the talent show in the episode.

Monday 8 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Twilight's Kingdom

Inspired by Twilight's Kingdom, imagine you're a pony who witnesses Tirek take away all the magic in Equestria. Write a My Little Pony-like song persuading him to bring the magic back.

Sunday 7 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Toby & The Flood

Watch the video above, then rewrite the events of the episode from Thomas' perspective. How did he feel when he heard his best friend Percy was going to help Toby? What was the vital role he played in stopping the flood?

Saturday 6 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Transformers & My Little Pony

Inspired by the Transformers/My Little Pony comics, write a story about two of the minor supporting characters from the comic - a pony and a Transformer - who meet up and fall in love despite rules in Equestria stating that "ponies should marry ponies and not someone from another species".

Thursday 4 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - Dance With The Teletubbies

Watch the video above, or any given segment in the video you fancy to see, then write down your own lyrics to each dance. They could be action songs or Sesame Street-style songs about any given subject younger children would like (for example, ABC's, numbers or life values such as perseverance). Make them as silly as you like!

Monday 1 November 2021

Creative Writing Activity - George Of The Jungle 2

Rewrite George Of The Jungle 2 from the perspective of George Junior's two friends, a lion cub and a tiger cub, who are guests at his birthday party. How did they feel when they saw the cake and all of Junior's presents? What adventures did they get up to in the jungle while George and his family were away in Las Vegas? Does the lion cub have mean lion as his father?

Creative Writing Activity - The Hallowistmas Drill - Part 1

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!! How would YOU get revenge on CBBC for taking away your favourite programme?!