Tuesday 26 January 2021

At Home Writing Challenge - Arnold's Balloon Trip

Arnold's Balloon Trip is one of my favourite Kipper episodes, and now it's time for you to write down a story based on the episode from Arnold's point of view! Describe all the wonderful things he finds in the candy mountain, such as the bubblegum volcano, the giant marshmallows, the vanilla ice cream geyser and the hot chocolate lake and waterfall. What other things can you find in the candy mountain?

Monday 25 January 2021

At Home Writing Challenge - Hanukkah On Scream Street

On Scream Street, there's a slight chance of avoiding the Grumpus if you celebrate Hanukkah, and Mr. and Mrs. Crudley are Jewish. Watch The Grumpus on iPlayer, then write about the episode from the Crudleys' perspective about celebrating Hanukkah, happily unaware that the Grumpus is on Scream Street.

Saturday 16 January 2021

At Home Writing Challenge - Johnson's Baby

Write about what the tune in this advert makes you think of. Maybe it makes you think of Furaha following one butterfly to a whole field of butterflies, or a heartwarming promo for Winter on CBBC.

Friday 15 January 2021

At Home Creative Writing Challenge - Scream Street/My Siblings Luke, Resus & Cleo

Watch all of Scream Street on iPlayer then write about what would happen if Luke, Resus and Cleo became your brothers and sister, like I think about them. What would you do with them? Would you get along with them well? Tell about one reason you love them, and want them to be part of your family like I want to be part of mine.

Thursday 14 January 2021

At Home Creative Writing Challenge - East Jerusalem/West Jerusalem

This song, 'East Jerusalem/West Jerusalem', reminds me of Mackinnon & Saunders and their connection with Factory Create - write about why their relationship reminds you of world peace and what your favourite stop motion show from the company is, and why it has a big impact on your life.

Write A Buried Alive-Inspired Story

Write your own story inspired by Jacqueline Wilson's Buried Alive about going to the beach. Do you experience the same feelings and excitement as Tim and Biscuits in the story? What do you do at the beach? Do you paddle in the sea, build sandcastles or sunbathe? Is it a relaxing or an exhilarating experience?

Wednesday 13 January 2021

At Home Creative Writing Challenge - Dokokade Yoruga Naita

Write a Me, You, And...story themed around water based around this song. Does Furaha find peace near a body of water. Does she find the perfect opportunity to play and interact with nature around it? Does she find a way to save it and share it with all the people of the world?

Creative Writing Prompts - Me, You, And....

  • Write about an adventure Furaha has in the Arctic.
  • Write about a crippled cub named Kufili.
  • An earth tremor happens in the grasslands. Does danger happen? How do Furaha and her family manage to get all the animals to safety?
  • Write a story inspired by Geoffrey Oryema's 'Makambo' about Furaha chasing a butterfly in the light of the sunset.
  • Write a love poem from Lanka to Agumon.
  • The Oracle finds a young deer alone in the snow and decides to raise him. Tell about how he manages to raise him to be like his son.
  • Furaha and Jetfire spend a day together, away from other lions and Transformers. Write about the good times they share during that day.
  • If Pokemon Journeys were to be a part of Me, You, And..., it would show Pichu's time with Kangaskhan and her young, and his struggles to fit in with the other young wild Pokemon. Write from Pichu's perspective about his time with his family.
  • Write a poem from Keenan's perspective about his childhood spent with his Digimon family.
  • Furaha and Allie end up in the desert. They are low on food and water, and there's a long journey to confront. How do they survive on the way?
  • Write about Maziwa the cattle egret's attempts to become part of a gang of street birds.
  • Write a story inspired by Youssou N'Dour's 'This Dream'.
  • Write about the family spending a sunny Spring day together.
  • Write a poem from Armada Optimus Prime to Furaha telling how much he and the other Autobots love her.
  • How did Wing get her wooden airplane? Did Kiburi steal it from a toymaker in the village?
  • Inspired by 'Upendi' from The Lion King II, write about a place coloured pink and yellow where other animals go to party and have fun, away from all the danger and unhappiness taking place in Africa.
  • Write a love poem from Furaha to Circuit.
  • Describe loneliness from Furaha's perspective.
  • Write about Kiburi having a day off.
  • Write about Furaha wandering a foggy pond in the darkness of the night in Japan.
  • Write a poem about a lion's desire to run free.
  • Write a song about a lioness' love for her child.
  • Describe the many ways the Autobots in Transformers Cybertron love their cub friends.
  • Write 'Me, You, And Noddy & The Island Adventure' from the perspective of one of the toys who don't get to go with Noddy and his friends to the island.
  • Happiness is... Describe feelings from the point of view of each of the members of Furaha's family.
  • Furaha wanders a flower field, trying to collect flowers for her one true love, Circuit. Describe all of this through poetry.
  • Write about freedom as told from Sonic the Hedgehog to Furaha.
  • Write a story about being together from the perspective of Furaha and Calumon.
  • Furaha and her family spend time at the lake with other lions. Does Furaha make any new friends while there? Describe the ways she plays with the other lions at the lake.
  • Write about other spirits that represent the world alongside Lord Ahadi.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

At Home Creative Writing Challenge - The First Thing I See

Listen to the song above and then write down what it makes you think of. This song makes me think of seeing Simon every morning on Tiny Pop while friends like the Rescue Bots, Esme and Roy are busy with their morning routines. Does this song make you think of a friend? A favourite memory? An astounding achievement you've accomplished? A favourite TV character you formed a parasocial relationship with? Write down what you think.

Creative Writing Challenge - Grandad/Lonesome

Inspired by the Bluey episode 'Grandad' and Kina Grannis' 'Lonesome', write about Chilli's childhood spent with Grandad in the bush. What lessons did she learn? Did she learn any new things when she was a girl, like riding a bike or learning to fish? What big milestones did she achieve with Grandad's help? Does she look back on his teachings when she and Grandad watch Bluey and Bingo swim in the lake?

Monday 11 January 2021

At-Home Creative Writing Challenge - The Lion & The Chocolate Chip Cookies

Write a story about a lion who loves chocolate chip cookies and refuses to share them with others. Do the other animals trick him into sharing them with him? Does he make up his mind in the end? How does he manage to learn to share his cookies with the other animals?

Creative Writing Challenge - Shaun

Write from Shaun the emu's perspective on the Bluey episode 'Shaun'. Begin by explaining that his alter-ego is Bluey and Bingo's dad. Where does Shaun come from? Did Dad get him from Australia Zoo? While you're on it, write about Shaun's life in Australia Zoo before he came to live with Bluey and her family. Who were his friends? What did his parents teach him as an emu chick? Did the zookeepers treat him well?

Then describe Bluey and Bingo's day in the park with Shaun in the form of a poem. Describe all they did on their day out, including playing on the slide, playing fetch and tag and giving the little kids rides.

Sunday 10 January 2021

Creative Writing Challenge - Little Baby/Baby Race

Write your own version of Alex Pascall's 'Little Baby' song, this one themed around the Bluey episode 'Baby Race'. Write it from the perspective of Chilli, Coco's mum, Snickers' mum and Judo's mum singing to their babies - Bluey, Coco, Snickers or Judo - to help them sleep.

Saturday 9 January 2021

Creative Writing Challenge - Scooby Doo: Curse Of The Lake Monster

Write about what happens during scenes where Scooby is absent from in the film.
  • Does Scooby invite a few doggy friends to a party in the country club main hall?
  • When Shaggy goes out on a date with Velma, does Scooby slam himself into the door and have a surreal dream where he encounters some surreal creatures?
  • When Scooby and Shaggy begin fighting, does it result in violence? Does the hotel manager try to break them up? Does he scold them for violating country club law? Do Scooby and Shaggy turn their backs on one another and make rude faces at one another in the main room?
  • While reading his doggy magazine near the pool, does Scooby befriend a sexy white hound wearing a bikini?

Friday 8 January 2021


We're all going to miss Luke, Resus and Cleo starting next week, but if you're mature like me, head over to JournalBuddies and remember friends both social and parasocial with these heartwarming writing prompts. Friends stay together 'til the end!

Thursday 7 January 2021

Welcome To ScreamBlue!

Welcome to ScreamBlue! The name is kind of like a mixture of my favourite shows, Scream Street and Bluey, except you take the Scream out of Scream Street and the Blue out of Bluey and it becomes
Each day, I'll bring you a new set of writing prompts to unleash your inner writer, inspired by favourite TV shows and everything around in daily life, including original writing prompts themed around nature, music and everything in between. Tune in every day to find a new set of writing prompts, and soon you'll turn English into playtime!

This blog is suitable for adults both disabled and not disabled and children alike, so, I hope you enjoy and have fun with these writing prompts!

Creative Writing Activity - The Hallowistmas Drill - Part 1

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!! How would YOU get revenge on CBBC for taking away your favourite programme?!