Wednesday 13 January 2021

Creative Writing Prompts - Me, You, And....

  • Write about an adventure Furaha has in the Arctic.
  • Write about a crippled cub named Kufili.
  • An earth tremor happens in the grasslands. Does danger happen? How do Furaha and her family manage to get all the animals to safety?
  • Write a story inspired by Geoffrey Oryema's 'Makambo' about Furaha chasing a butterfly in the light of the sunset.
  • Write a love poem from Lanka to Agumon.
  • The Oracle finds a young deer alone in the snow and decides to raise him. Tell about how he manages to raise him to be like his son.
  • Furaha and Jetfire spend a day together, away from other lions and Transformers. Write about the good times they share during that day.
  • If Pokemon Journeys were to be a part of Me, You, And..., it would show Pichu's time with Kangaskhan and her young, and his struggles to fit in with the other young wild Pokemon. Write from Pichu's perspective about his time with his family.
  • Write a poem from Keenan's perspective about his childhood spent with his Digimon family.
  • Furaha and Allie end up in the desert. They are low on food and water, and there's a long journey to confront. How do they survive on the way?
  • Write about Maziwa the cattle egret's attempts to become part of a gang of street birds.
  • Write a story inspired by Youssou N'Dour's 'This Dream'.
  • Write about the family spending a sunny Spring day together.
  • Write a poem from Armada Optimus Prime to Furaha telling how much he and the other Autobots love her.
  • How did Wing get her wooden airplane? Did Kiburi steal it from a toymaker in the village?
  • Inspired by 'Upendi' from The Lion King II, write about a place coloured pink and yellow where other animals go to party and have fun, away from all the danger and unhappiness taking place in Africa.
  • Write a love poem from Furaha to Circuit.
  • Describe loneliness from Furaha's perspective.
  • Write about Kiburi having a day off.
  • Write about Furaha wandering a foggy pond in the darkness of the night in Japan.
  • Write a poem about a lion's desire to run free.
  • Write a song about a lioness' love for her child.
  • Describe the many ways the Autobots in Transformers Cybertron love their cub friends.
  • Write 'Me, You, And Noddy & The Island Adventure' from the perspective of one of the toys who don't get to go with Noddy and his friends to the island.
  • Happiness is... Describe feelings from the point of view of each of the members of Furaha's family.
  • Furaha wanders a flower field, trying to collect flowers for her one true love, Circuit. Describe all of this through poetry.
  • Write about freedom as told from Sonic the Hedgehog to Furaha.
  • Write a story about being together from the perspective of Furaha and Calumon.
  • Furaha and her family spend time at the lake with other lions. Does Furaha make any new friends while there? Describe the ways she plays with the other lions at the lake.
  • Write about other spirits that represent the world alongside Lord Ahadi.

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Creative Writing Activity - The Hallowistmas Drill - Part 1

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!! How would YOU get revenge on CBBC for taking away your favourite programme?!