Thursday 1 April 2021

10 Creative Writing Prompts When You've Suffered Anxiety

Find books like this to help reassure children and adults when they're suffering with anxiety:

  1. Write about a favourite memory.
  2. Write a poem about a beautiful butterfly.
  3. Write in full detail about your dream house and everything that goes with it.
  4. Describe what your worries look like, ala 'Ruby Finds A Worry'.
  5. Make up your own breathing exercises and write down instructions on how to do them.
  6. Write a story about a dog who learns to take deep breaths to calm down.
  7. Write about a magic wand that only appears when you're practising yoga.
  8. Write about how a little boy learns to calm down on his first day of school.
  9. Write a poem about wriggling fingers and toes.
  10. Write about an adventure with your imaginary friend.

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Creative Writing Activity - The Hallowistmas Drill - Part 1

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!! How would YOU get revenge on CBBC for taking away your favourite programme?!