Monday 8 February 2021

At Home Writing Challenge - Grannies

Inspired by this interview activity to do with your grandparents, try these writing prompts about Nana during her youth, before Bluey, Bingo and their cousins came into their life, inspired by the Bluey episode 'Grannies'. There's more to a grandperson than just flossing, you know!
  • Describe the day Nana was born. What did her parents decide to call her? Was there drama on the big day? What was the weather like?
  • Did Nana have any brothers or sisters? If so, what games did they play together? Did they go to school together?
  • Describe Nana's favourite game from when she was a child.
  • Write about how Nana helped do chores growing up. Was she given some reward, i.e. pocket money, for either cleaning the dishes or tidying her room after she finished playing?
  • Did they have any electricity or equipment we use today when Nana was a child?
  • Describe Nana's childhood home. Did she share a room with a brother when she was young? Describe the sounds, sights and smells of this particular childhood home.
  • What happens when Nana got into trouble? Was she sent to the naughty corner for five minutes?
  • Describe Nana's days at school via a diary entry from a normal day in her life. What was her favourite subject? What did they have to eat for school dinners each day? What games did she play in the playground? Did she have any friends?
  • What was Nana's favourite sport?
  • Write about Nana's childhood ambitions over what she wants to be when she grows up.
  • Write about what's special about Nana's childhood home that she might never forget. Was it family that makes it special, or what she is grateful for, or the precious times she and her relatives spend together?
  • What was Nana's favourite thing for dinner? Describe how Nana would come home to it delicious smell, and how it tasted every time.
  • What did Nana spend her pocket money on had she been given it for completing her chores?
  • What were the Summer holidays like in Nana's childhood home? Did she partake in a barbecue her family, or go to the beach, or something like that?
  • Write in the style of a diary entry about Nana's favourite childhood memory, one which she can tell to Bluey and her sisters and cousin today.
  • Write about Nana's first job, and how she got it.
  • Where did Nana meet Bluey's grandpa, Bob? Describe how they met, ala Bandit and Chili's origin story in 'The Show'.
  • Write a poem from Bob to Nana telling about what he loves about her.
  • Write about Bob and Nana's wedding day. How has the day been made really special?
  • Write about Bandit's childhood, or Chili's childhood. Did Chili go swimming with Grandad in the lake like it was explained in 'Grandad'? Describe Bandit's humor and how it used to win over a large crowd when he was in high school.
  • Write about the things Bandit and Chilli did with Grandad, Nana and Bob as a family. Did they go fishing together, or did they have a barbecue on the beach? Write down anything you want about what they did as a family.
  • Write about when Bluey was born. Was it a day Chili had been waiting for? Had she been longing for a child for quite sometime? What was the weather like? You can even write Bandit's reaction to Bluey's birth, but it's mainly Nana you should write about.
  • Write about what Nana wished she had known when she was Bluey's age.
  • Write a conversation between Nana and Bluey about the most important thing she needs to know about being a child inside. Make it as heartwarming and as lovely as possible.

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Creative Writing Activity - The Hallowistmas Drill - Part 1

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!! How would YOU get revenge on CBBC for taking away your favourite programme?!